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The Wireless Society of Southern Maine began as a group of friends with a common interest in ham radio, who met weekly at the Wassamki Springs Campground in Scarborough. In early summer of 2010, these friends decided to create a more formal organization, recognizing a need in the community for a club that was welcoming, helpful, and receptive to new ideas.

Please join us the 3rd Thursday of each month, from 7pm-9pm for a Meeting on the Air on the 147.090 (+ / 100) repeater. All are welcome, including non-members. The net welcomes traffic to be forwarded via Radio Relay International and the National Traffic System. Immediately following will be the After Net on 28.455 kHz SSB.

Emergency Communications Team (WSSM-ECT) Meetings are hybrid on-air and in-person training sessions, focussing on learning on-air skills and becoming familiar with the radio equipment at the CCEMA facility. If anyone is interested in running net control from the EMA, please contact Tim KB1HNZ.
  7PM-9PM at the South Windham Fire Station, 33 Main Street, Windham, ME

  4th Thursday Monthly, on-air and in-person,
at 7:00 PM, CCEMA Bunker, 22 High Street, Windham, ME



  Thursday, February 6th
7PM-9PM at the South Windham Fire Station, 33 Main Street, Windham, ME


WSSM brings together both new and experienced operators alike to share in the enjoyment of amateur radio, and encourages improvement in all the various phases of the hobby, including public service potential, operating ability, courtesy, and technical proficiency.

Membership is open to all persons interested in radio communications. There is NO requirement to be licensed, however only licensed operators and full time residents of the area can be Full or "voting members." At our monthly meetings, we like to encourage participation in round table discussions covering a wide range of ham radio topics. We cordially invite you to visit us and to become a member.


Monthly meetings take place the 2nd Thursday of each month, from 7PM-9PM, at the South Windham Fire Department, located at 33 Main Street, Windham, ME.
Check our blog and calendar of events for the latest updates. 

Station Activities Archives



WINDHAM, ME – On the weekend of June 22-23, the WSSM team participated in their 14th ARRL Field Day - their first from the Windham High School campus, as a part of Windham Summerfest. Activities began Friday morning when club members setup antennas and operating stations. Read the full story here.

Click here to learn more about our Field Day history and past results.

Mountain Topping & SOTA Activities


Over the past several years, WSSM members have activated numerous summits across New England, including Bradbury Mountain (ME), Mt. Agamenticus (ME), Mt. Washington (NH), Mt. Battie (ME), Mt. Megunticook (ME), Douglas Mountain (ME), Cadillac Mountain (ME), and others.

Mt. Aggie 2022

Most recently, on July 23rd, members of the Wireless Society of Southern Maine and New England Radio Discussion Society, participated in a joint Parks on the Air (POTA) and Summits on the Air (SOTA) activation from Mt. Agamenticus, in York, ME. Mt. Agamenticus has the designation W1/AM-381 for SOTA and the Mt. Agamenticus Wildlife Management Area, which includes the summit, is designated K-8448 for POTA..

Look for WS1SM spotted on the SOTA Watch website, or monitor 146.520 simplex during the weekends to find us on the air from our next hilltop expedition.

CQWW VHF 1st Place WS1SM    WS1SM Mt. Washington, NH

Above (on the left), is a certificate for 1st Place in the CQWW VHF Contest. WS1SM earned first place in the Multi-op category for New Hampshire 4 years in a row! On the right is a QSL card from one of our SOTA/Contesting adventures to the summit of Mt. Washington, in New Hampshire.

Lighthouse Expeditions and ILLW


YORK, ME – On Saturday, August 19th, WSSM members activated Cape Neddick “Nubble” Light for International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW). The team setup their radio gear in Sohier Park, using an Icom IC-7100 on battery power and a BuddiPole, which was configured for 40, 20, and 15 meters throughout the day.

ILLW 2023 Nubble Light

Members present included: Peter Fulton WO1J, Tim Watson KB1HNZ, Eric Emery N1RXR, and Jason Andrews W1SFS, as well as other hams who stopped by while visiting the area... Read the whole story here.

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