Summer /
Fall 2019
Volume 9, Issue 2

2019 Field Day at
Wassamki Springs
On the weekend of June 22-23,
the WS1SM team participated in their 9th ARRL Field Day from Wassamki
Springs Campground, in Scarborough.

2019 Maine QSO Party
is September 28-29
The 7th annual Maine QSO Party
will take place the weekend of September 28-29, from 1200 UTC on the
28th, through 1200 UTC on the 29th.

Special Event
Celebrates 100 Years of WWV
NCARC will operate a special
event station, WW0WWV, on the WWV property between September 28, and
and October 2 in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of WWV.

2019 ILLW at Rockland
Breakwater Light
On Saturday, August 17th, the
WS1SM team activated Rockland Breakwater Light, in Rockland Harbor, ME,
for International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend

On the weekend of August 3-4,
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) conducted a
special event commemorating the life of Owen Garriott, W5LFL, who was
the first astronaut to utilize amateur radio in space.
Upcoming Meetings /
9/12/2019 - Annual Meeting - 7pm at the CCEMA Bunker
9/19/2019 - Meeting on the Air - 7pm on 147.090 repeater
9/26/2019 - ECT Meeting - 7pm
at the CCEMA Bunker
9/28/2019 - Maine QSO Party - starting at 1200 UTC
10/10/2019 - Monthly Meeting - 7pm at the CCEMA Bunker
10/17/2019 - SKYWARN Drill - 7pm at NWS Gray
10/24/2019 - ECT Meeting - 7pm
at the CCEMA Bunker

QSL Corner
is a QSL for a SSB contact with KB1HNZ on 20m CW on 16 April 2014.
FG8NY is operated by Jean-Claude Mercier , from Lamentin, Guadeloupe.
DX News
last issue left off just prior to the CQ World Wide WPX contest, where
were several planned DXPeditions QRV for the contest, including FO/OK2ZI from Tahiti
(OC-046), French Polynesia. Soon after was the J20DX/p
DXPedition from the rare Sept-Freres Islands (AF-059) on April
16-19, and Moucha Island (AF-053) on April 20. Over the summer, we saw
a large multi-national team activate 1A0C from the Sovereign Military
Order of Malta, several island activations for the IOTA Contest,
including IS0/OM2TW from Sardinia, G3RVC/p from St. Mary's, Isles of
Scilly in the UK, and more!
As we move into the fall DX season, we look forward to DXPeditions that
will be QRV for the upcoming contests, as well as some special ones
including the 9M4IOTA DXPedition from Perhentian Island (AS-073)
through September 2, and 9M16KING that will be active from Kuala Lumpur
through September 30th. Francesco, IV3TMM will be active again as
9U3TMM from Burundi, between August 31 through September 17, and Eddie,
ES2TT will be active as ES2TT/3 from Vormsi Island (EU-034), on
September 7th.
For up-to-date news about reported DXPeditions, click here, to read the
latest 425 DX News

Society of Southern Maine | P.O. Box 6833,
Scarborough, ME 04074 | www.mainehamradio.com